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梅山儒礼与中国传统的儒家思想和儒家文化一脉相承,虽然有神秘的程式,但无论是框架、内容,还是形式,都体现出我国儒家所倡导的平等的人本精神。单从祭祀活动所选取的祭祀对象就可以解读出梅山儒礼呈现的奋发向上、积极进取、和谐生活、兼济天下的思想。  相似文献   
人文素质教育对于医学生的培养不容忽视。由于我国现行医学生选拔和培养模式、独立院校校园文化薄弱和“三本”学生自身特点等因素影响,独立院校医学生人文素质教育有待加强。独立医学院校应从深化教学改革、提高师资力量、建设校园文化、增强临床教学等四方面入手,努力提高医学生人文素养,不仅有利于医学生的成长成才,也有利于缓和当前的医患矛盾,更有助于推动医疗卫生事业的和谐发展。  相似文献   
目前人文素养教育实践正在各大高校开展。文章以河北工程大学图书馆为例,分析高校图书馆在人文素养教育中的地位,探讨高校图书馆开展人文素养教育的有效途径,以便更好地发挥高校图书馆的职能。  相似文献   
The absence of violence against children is a fundamental children's right and a major milestone of civilized society. Similarly, reports on incidences of violence by children and youth, including severe cases with devastating consequences, speak to the need that the trauma of exposure to violence in childhood needs to be addressed. While violence and its risk factors are generally understood, what is less clear are the essential protective factors, how we can identify those as early as possible, and how we can use them to prevent and address the trauma of violence exposure in children and youth. In this report, I review pathways of child and youth violence through the lens of social-emotional development as a central protective factor. Negative emotions of frustration and anger can underlie violence and aggression. Kind emotions, such as caring and our ability to connect with others emotionally, can serve as social-emotional protective factors. A brief review of the central social-emotional processes and their development is provided, including the human capacity to feel with others and express empathy, be emotionally aware and care about the effects of one's own actions on others, and be able to regulate the self and their emotions. Given the negative widespread and long-term impact of exposure to violence, I describe research-informed attempts to prevent violence exposure across development. Taking a humanistic, strength-based perspective, the focus is on social-emotional protective factors to address violence and nurture mental health in every child. I conclude with recommendations for practice and policy.  相似文献   
但丁的人文主义思想主要表现为强烈的批判精神、积极的理想主义以及丰富的人本思想。但丁终生对意大利乃至西欧的社会变化与市民思想行为进行尖锐评判,并强烈批判教会腐败,愤怒谴责贵族的堕落与政治纷争;在早年从政与后期流亡途中,但丁通过系列著述与勇敢斗争,展示了追求和平统一的理想;但丁将人们关注的重点从对上帝和天堂的盲目崇拜转向对世俗生活的赞美,充分肯定人的情感、理性与尊严,其人本主义思想明显超越了中世纪晚期的宗教神学。马克思最喜爱但丁,终生以“下地狱”决心投身政治经济学研究。不过,马克思更关注普通劳动者,其共产主义理想以解放全人类为目标,超越了但丁仅关注社会上层的狭隘性;与但丁晚年的消沉保守相比,马克思理想更为坚定;马克思对资本主义生产方式的批判持续终生,整体上突破了但丁人文主义思想的宗教束缚与神学局限,表现出更为全面彻底的人文精神。  相似文献   
This paper reports on a PhD study, investigating the supervision of women service users (WSUs), by probation officers (POs) based on video data of one-to-one supervision sessions. The research identifies competing agendas of probation in England and Wales – one side emphasises punishment, whilst the other encourages humanistic, relationship-based practices. POs, routinely juggling these opposing expectations, appreciate traditional probation values of giving the WSU a voice and embracing psychodynamic approaches, to provide structure and support in confronting the complexities of officer/service user interactions. However, the data show that driven by managerialist enforcement requirements, it is the punitive discourse which is more frequently translated into practice. Organisational pressures, feelings about the person opposite, the offence or the individual’s background can manifest as conscious or unconscious micro-messages or masking messages. Just as SUs put on masks to disguise negative emotions or feel powerful, so too do POs; POs recognise masks and deceptions in SUs and, similarly, SUs are aware of this dynamic with POs. The research identifies practitioner ambivalence to certain narratives, particularly sexual abuse or poor mental health and, it is argued, reflective supervision is needed to deconstruct difficult personal and professional issues.  相似文献   
现代化城市的建设越来越注重以人为本、尊重人文的发展理念。"人文廊坊"建设目标的提出符合时代潮流且意义深远。分析国外城市在人文建设方面的特点、总结其成功经验,能够在实现途径方面为创建"人文廊坊"提供有益参考。  相似文献   
可持续发展是基于人类无限发展的需要与自然资源的有限性这一现实矛盾而提出的战略思想。人类的生存困境可以归结为两个问题,一个是生态问题,一个是心态问题,而心态决定生态。人类贪婪的欲望是导致生态危机的罪魁祸首。中国传统文化中蕴含着人与自然和谐共生、尊重自然的固有价值和敬畏生命的实践取向等生态伦理思想,为生态文明建设提供了重要的思想资源。目前生态环保已经成为全人类的共识,而精神环保还没有引起人们的足够重视。我们应该树立以人为本的科学发展观,弘扬人文精神、责任意识与和谐精神,注重解决人类的精神处境和精神生活问题。精神环保与生态环保作为可持续发展的两翼,将成为21世纪人类建设生态文明的核心理念。  相似文献   
从地理、地形及地质等方面,剖析了西南山区浅埋偏压隧道的建造环境,针对该类隧道介质参数、荷载的多变性及其衬砌结构力学传递机制的复杂性,基于衬砌结构稳定的强度和变形控制原理,研究了应力和位移双重等效的隧道介质参数反分析模型及其优化算法,并理顺了其实施操作程序.然后提炼出偏压隧道承载结构承载特性的表征参数及非均衡性刻画指标.最后以有限元数值方法为手段,研究了某隧道浅埋偏压段支护体系的力学响应,从中总结出浅埋偏压隧道支护结构的承载特征,为类似工程设计和施工控制措施提供指导.  相似文献   
中国传统管理理论在走向现代化的过程中,必须与中国传统的人文管理精神相结合,并吸收东西方企业管理文化中的优质成分,相互融突而和合,从而建构中国自己的社会、企事业管理文化精神—和合管理学。完整地理解和合管理学概念,可从和合管理学的原理、控制理论与管理信息系统、和合管理学的企业文化精神三个方面进行详细剖析,同时,和合管理学体现了深厚的中国传统人文精神内涵的特征。  相似文献   
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